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Writing an iso file to a CD-R/DVD-R from Linux Terminal

··126 words·1 min·
News Commands Terminal Linux

Ever wondered if there’s a quick and easy way to write an iso file to a CD-R/DVD-R ? Don’t want to open K3B or Brasero ? Here’s a handy way of writing the iso file.

First, switch to root using su


Next, type

cdrecord -scanbus

You’ll get something like this:

scsibus0:<br /> 0,0,0      0) 'TSSTcorp' 'DVD+-RW TS-L632H' 'D200' Removable CD-ROM<br /> 0,1,0      1) *

Note the first 3 numbers corresponding to your CD/DVD writer.

Next, type

cdrecord -v dev=x,y,z <name-of-iso-file>

replacing x,y,z with the numbers obtained in the above line and the name of iso file as well! Simple!

To make it even simpler, you can wrap the command around a shell script accepting the filename as the input for even faster access. CLI FTW!

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Get Kannada Language displayed properly in Gentoo and Sabayon
··96 words·1 min
News Indic Linux Terminal Tutorials
Well I was browsing through some Kannada sites the other day and all I got was big blocks. Turned out that Gentoo and Sabayon didn’t have support for displaying Kannada characters, though, I had no such problems with Hindi & Bengali characters [amongst others]. Changing the Character encoding in Firefox to Auto-detect or Unicode didn’t work either. After doing a bit of searching, found the solution. So open the terminal, switch to root user and type
[How-To] Display A List of All Partitions, Device Info and Filesystem Type In Linux
··289 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Commands Linux
In my previous posts I’d written on how to mount your partitions using the mount command. In the post I’d mentioned that you’d have to mention the partition that you want to mount by specifying /dev/device_name as part of the command. The question that would come to your mind is, How do I know which of my partition is on what device? So let me show how to find out which partition is on what device!
Create a Fedora Bootable USB Pen/Flash Drive Easily using liveusb-creator
··267 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Linux Terminal
LiveCDs are a great way to try out (new) Linux distros on your system. Unfortunately CDs get scratched pretty easily, and can turn into a coaster pretty soon. With prices of USB pen drives at rock bottom, they’re probably the best way to try out LiveCDs. Generally its not that easy to make a bootable LiveCD using USB pen/flash drives. If you’re a Fedora lover then here’s a very easy way to create a bootable USB pen drive.