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I’ve been organizing events on small large scale since 2012. Besides organizing events, I also love talking in meetups and conferences. Below are a collection of some of my previous talks.


Improve web application performance using AWS Global Accelerator (NET327)
··83 words·1 min
I talk about how we at The Trade Desk serve our users with the AWS Global Accelerator.
Running containers on AWS
··50 words·1 min
This talk looks at the options available and a general guide on what service to pick when running containers on AWS.
AWS Networking
··19 words·1 min
A brief summary about Networking in the cloud on AWS/GCP that covers VPC, subnets, routing, ingress and engress packet flows.


Enabling automated multi-region failover and failback using Route 53
··147 words·1 min
Presented at AWS Community Day 2022 - I talk about using Route 53 and enabling automated multi-region failover and failback using Route 53.
Infrastructure as code and Getting started with AWS CDK
··88 words·1 min
I brief on what infrastructure as code (IaC) is, the options available for IaC and then do a deep dive into the AWS CDK.


AWS Fargate instead of Amazon EC2 instances for one-off tasks
··102 words·1 min
This talk looks at why you should be using AWS Fargate for one-off tasks.


Securing workloads on Azure
··77 words·1 min
This talk looks at some of the guidelines to be followed when improving the security of your workloads.


AWS Fargate instead of Amazon EC2 instances for one-off tasks
··45 words·1 min
This talk looks at why you should be using AWS Fargate for one-off tasks.


Securing Containers
··38 words·1 min
The talk looks at threat vectors to containers and how they can be mitigated.


Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Using Kubernetes Operations
··28 words·1 min
A 5-minute speedrun on how to create a Kubernetes cluster using KOPS.