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Self-hosting your location history with OwnTracks
··1970 words·10 mins
Self-Hosting Owntracks Google Maps
Looking to find an alternative to Google Maps Timeline? OwnTracks is a self-hosted location history tracker and might be a decent alternative to Google Maps Timeline.


Bulk tagging all instances in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) using AWS CLI and JMESPath Expressions
··606 words·3 mins
DevOps Tips & How-To's Aws Ec2 Tagging
I dig into AWS CLI a little bit to explain how we can use JMESPath expressions to apply client-side and server-side filtering and bulk tag instances of an Auto Scaling Group.
How do you specify a target hostname for a https request?
··818 words·4 mins
DevOps Tips & How-To's Curl Sni Tls Https
I’ve been using hostname spoofing with curl for a while and I find out why hostname spoofing doesn’t work with TLS.
How to get fzf working in PowerShell
··462 words·3 mins
DevOps Tips & How-To's Fzf Powershell Opensource
Here’s how you can get the goodness of fuzzy search in your PowerShell terminal with fzf.


Self-hosting FreshRSS (for free) on in under 10 minutes
··621 words·3 mins
DevOps Self-Hosting
Here’s how you can self-host FreshRSS on in under 10 minutes
Migrating Route 53 records from Latency Based Routing to Geolocation routing with zero downtime
··1265 words·6 mins
DevOps Route 53 DNS Aws
I had some fun playing with Route 53’s routing policies.
Notes on moving Amazon Linux AMI to Amazon Linux 2
··435 words·3 mins
DevOps Packer Aws AMI
I picked up a task to migrate our base image from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2. Here’s what I needed to get it to work.


Taking on the DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - GitOps CI/CD with Argo CD and Tekton
··2625 words·13 mins
DevOps Kubernetes Terraform Docker
I attempt to complete the DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge and deploy a GitOps CI/CD solution using Tekton and Argo CD
Second Edition of Practical Docker With Python is now available
··414 words·2 mins
General Books Docker
The second edition of my book - Practical Docker with Python is now available.
Checking for connectivity of ElastiCache Redis instances across peering connections using VPC Reachability Analyzer
··751 words·4 mins
DevOps Aws VPC
The VPC Reachability Analyzer tool is a network diagnostic tool from AWS. In this post I look at how effective the VPC Reachability Analyzer tool to diagnose a network connectivity issue from a VPC peering connection to a private subnet.