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Accessing Chef Databag Items from within attributes
··135 words·1 min
DevOps Chef
In Chef parlance, databags are global variables saved in JSON format and are stored and accessible on the Chef server. Given that these are indexed and can be searched up along with the fact that they can be encrypted make them ideal candidates to store secrets such as credentials/ssh keys. Chef provides an easy way to search and fetch databag and databag items from within a recipe: For ex to fetch a databag called admins, it’s as easy as:


Statutory warning: Decimals in your logrotate config can be bad for your server’s disk space
··308 words·2 mins
DevOps Chef Logrotate Ruby
Last night as I was about to head to sleep, Sensu started emailing me about disk space warnings on one of the backend servers. That’s strange, I thought. I had set up logrotate with appropriate limits to ensure the log file size is reasonable and rotation happens on a daily basis. Curious, I ssh’d into the server to investigate. Running a df -h indicated as expected the disk space in use was over 70% (which is the trigger for sensu to send a notification) and the log files had grown way over expected size.
Chef Zero, Cookbooks and Data Bags locations
··339 words·2 mins
DevOps Chef
I like chef-zero a lot. There’s so much overlap between chef’s products: chef-zero, chef-solo, chef-apply - yes, each have their own uses, but I digress. Chef-zero has been relatively pain-free for me - except when I tried to get it running - trying to figure out why it wasn’t fetching the cookbooks was so annoying! I went and RTFM couple of times, no dice. Then I decided to not skim read and read the entire thing.