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openSUSE India IRC Channel now available
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openSUSE India IRC Channel LIVE !
This is to notify all Lizards ;-) (openSUSE Lovers) that the openSUSE India Channel on IRC Freenode–> #opensuse-in , is now Live and registered . So if you have something to ask, share or want to spend some time with openSUSE Indian users , do visit :-)</blockquote
Changing the GNOME Menu panel in openSUSE GNOME back to Gnome defaults
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Tips & How-To's
Seems like lot of openSUSE Gnome users don’t like the new Gnome panel, which is radically different interface from the traditional Menu bar with Applications/Places/System entries. Personally I prefer the new style, perhaps because I’m used to the openSUSE Kickoff panel, and I really dig the search feature
You can go back to the default Applications / Places / System panel pretty easily. To do this:
Right click the bottom panel and choose add a panel Now right click the top panel and choose Add to Panel In the search input box type “menu”, and you will see about six entries, one of which is “Traditional main Menu” Add the menu to the panel, move it to where you like, and delete the “original” menu.
Updating to openSUSE 11.2
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Tips & How-To's
As mentioned openSUSE 11.2 is now available. If you’re on previous versions of openSUSE you can do an inplace upgrade to 11.2 by using zypper.
openSUSE 11.0/openSUSE 11.1
Just change the repos to mention 11.2 instead of 11.0/11.1, as shown in the pic:
Once that’s done, open the terminal, and switch to root
su root
Then refresh the repos
zypper ref
Finally, do the distribution upgrade
zypper dup
openSUSE 11.2 Milestone/RC versions:
openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 8 And Release Candidates(RC) add boot from USB flash disk option, here’s how to use it
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Tips & How-To's
Howdy folks! Been a loong time since I last posted isn’t it? Just been busy with work & travel (won’t bore you with the details, just check my personal blog).
I’ve been looking forward to the upcoming openSUSE 11.2 version ( it’s no secret that I’m a fan of openSUSE), but the main problem for me was that I don’t like holding onto optical media, and have a 8gig USB flash disk, especially for these things.