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Get Kannada Language displayed properly in Gentoo and Sabayon

··96 words·1 min·
News Indic Linux Terminal Tutorials

Well I was browsing through some Kannada sites the other day and all I got was big blocks.

Turned out that Gentoo and Sabayon didn’t have support for displaying Kannada characters, though, I had no such problems with Hindi & Bengali characters [amongst others]. Changing the Character encoding in Firefox to Auto-detect or Unicode didn’t work either. After doing a bit of searching, found the solution. So open the terminal, switch to root user and type

emerge -av lohit-fonts

followed by

fc-cache -f -v

Restart your X server (ie, Logout, login) and you should be set!

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Make Use of PeerGuardian 2’s IP Filter in KTorrent
··131 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Linux Tutorials
PeerGuardian 2, is an awesome IP filtering software. Though its FOSS, it there isn’t a Linux port of it yet. But don’t worry, if you’re using KTorrent, you can make use of PeerGuardian’s filters. Let me show how you can do so. Launch KTorrent. Click on On Settings -> Configure KTorrent . Click on Plugins and ensure that IP FIlter is checked Now Click on Apply. Next on the sidebar, scroll down and click on IP Filter.
Create a Fedora Bootable USB Pen/Flash Drive Easily using liveusb-creator
··267 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Linux Terminal
LiveCDs are a great way to try out (new) Linux distros on your system. Unfortunately CDs get scratched pretty easily, and can turn into a coaster pretty soon. With prices of USB pen drives at rock bottom, they’re probably the best way to try out LiveCDs. Generally its not that easy to make a bootable LiveCD using USB pen/flash drives. If you’re a Fedora lover then here’s a very easy way to create a bootable USB pen drive.
[How To]Setup a BSNL DataOne BroadBand connection or a DSL Connection in Linux
··431 words·3 mins
Tips & How-To's Commands Linux Tutorials
Remember that all these assumes that your router is connected to the LAN port, if it’s connected to the USB port, then disconnect it and connect to the LAN port. If you dont have a LAN card, then consider getting one. It’s cheap, costs around Rs. 200. Next, it’s best to have the router configured in pppoe mode. In this case you just have to switch on the router, the router and DHCP will take care of the rest.