Remember that all these assumes that your router is connected to the LAN port, if it’s connected to the USB port, then disconnect it and connect to the LAN port. If you dont have a LAN card, then consider getting one. It’s cheap, costs around Rs. 200.
Next, it’s best to have the router configured in pppoe mode. In this case you just have to switch on the router, the router and DHCP will take care of the rest.
If you’re unsure whether your router is in PPPoE more or bridge mode, If you have used a dialer in Windows, then your router is in bridge mode. In this case, open the terminal and type
sudo pppoeconf
Next, answer yes to all questions and enter the username and password when prompted.
Please note that this is a one type setup.
To connect, open the terminal and type
pon dsl-provider
To terminate the connection type
Please note that I still recommend configuring your router to PPPoE mode for hassle-free net connection under Linux. if anyone else has or uses a different method, then do please mention them in the comments.
If you don’t want to use the terminal for connecting/disconnecting then, follow the below steps:.
Note that the one-time setup has to be done as mentioned above. Once this is done, to create an icon for launching the connection,
Right click on the desktop and Click on Create Launcher. In the Type dropdown list, choose Application in Terminal. Give a name like, Connect to DataOne. In the command type
pon dsl-provider
Click OK. That's it! Double click on the icon to Connect!
For Fedora, follow the below mentioned steps
Launch the terminal. Type
It will ask for
Enter your Login Name
for eg: if username is SathyaSays then enter
SathyaSays@dataone for username
Next it will ask for
<- note it is eth0(ie, the number 0, not the letter o)
Next when prompted for
Enter the demand value
just press enter
Next it will ask
Please enter the IP address of your ISP’s primary DNS server
Just type server
Next it will ask for
Enter the password of your Dataone/DSL account
Next, it will ask for
type yes or just press enter
Next it will ask for
type 1
Finally it will ask for
Do you want to start this connection at boot time?
This is the one type setup.
To start the connection type
To terminate the connection type
To know the status of the connection type