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openSUSE’s software manager lists Mono apps under Proprietary Applications Pattern

··103 words·1 min·
General Applications Opensuse

I’ve been using openSUSE for quite some time now, but this is definitely the first time that I’ve noticed this ( though probably because I tend to use zypper or the 1-click install rather than entering YaST).


Output of zypper lr -u

Output of zypper se -s -i -t pattern

Output of zypper sl -d

Edit 2: Andreas Jaegar comments on the above:

Found it: The pattern is part of Mono Community pattern. As these ymp-patterns have no category, the software manager picks a pretty much random order. And it happens to be under proprietary software in this case.

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Amarok 2.2.90 Most Irritating Bug #228014: File metadata not displayed If File Is Not Present In Collection
··330 words·2 mins
General Amarok Applications Linux
Well it’s no secret that I’m a music fan and love to keep my music organized, and neatly tagged. ( Well, if you didn’t - now you do ). I’d posted quite sometime ago on how to keep your music well tagged and organized, so there’s pretty much no way that my files wouldn’t be tagged. Of course, there exceptions here and there but majority are tagged. So I was rather surpised today when Amarok , during playback wasn’t showing any metadata.
Changing the GNOME Menu panel in openSUSE GNOME back to Gnome defaults
··128 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux Opensuse
Seems like lot of openSUSE Gnome users don’t like the new Gnome panel, which is radically different interface from the traditional Menu bar with Applications/Places/System entries. Personally I prefer the new style, perhaps because I’m used to the openSUSE Kickoff panel, and I really dig the search feature You can go back to the default Applications / Places / System panel pretty easily. To do this: Right click the bottom panel and choose add a panel Now right click the top panel and choose Add to Panel In the search input box type “menu”, and you will see about six entries, one of which is “Traditional main Menu” Add the menu to the panel, move it to where you like, and delete the “original” menu.
Watermark Photos with digiKam
··129 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux
digiKam supports watermarking, this feature is hidden so well that you might not even realize that it’s there. This is because the watermarking function in digiKam is tucked under the Batch Queue Manager tool which you can use to watermark multiple photos in one go. Here is how this works in practice. Choose Tools | Batch Queue Manager (or press the B key) to open the Batch Queue Manager tool.