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Convert newsletters to RSS feeds with Kill-The-Newsletter

··180 words·1 min·
Tips & How-To's Newsletters RSS

Long time, no write! Newsletters have become all the rage these days and I guess for good reason -  they’re curated, come in (usually) once a week and typically offer a respite from the deluge of news that comes in why typical RSS Feeds or via Twitter. Naturally I subscribed to few initially and then the list of newsletters increased - and now I am stuck with a newsletter bomb in my Inbox

newsletters, newsletters everywhere

newsletters, newsletters everywhere


Filters was nice for classification, archiving them meant they would just languish in the filtered view, not to be looked at. I thought I’d be nice to somehow have them come to my RSS feed instead of cluttering up my Inbox and with a quick search I found Kill-The-Newsletter. This handy little web app creates a random email id for you to provide in the subscription mailbox and converts the incoming mails to RSS (well, to be specific, Atom) feeds. Kill-The-Newsletter is open source, so you can even self-host the app on your own servers.


Pretty nifty and has saved my Inbox from clutter.

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Xenserver and adding/attaching a new storage to a VM
··247 words·2 mins
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Implementing and Triggering Google Now Cards & Gmail actions from Email
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For every Barcamp event that comes and goes by, I try to think of what new thing I can do to make it a bit better. Off late, I’ve been using Inbox by Gmail almost exclusively. I love the product, particularly for the cards that show up that gives you a brief info about the mail(ex: Event reservation details/Flight details etc) without even opening the email. I noticed that Meetup does the same.