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At AWS re:Invent 2019

··226 words·2 mins·
Events Aws ReInvent

I’ve always dreamed of being at reInvent and this year, not only do I get to be at re:Invent, I also get a chance to lead a Dev Chat. I’m really excited to be there, to present and more importantly, to meet and interact with other AWS Heroes and re:Invent participants.

Last year, I was honoured to being named as one of the Community Heroes and almost made it to re:Invent 2018. However, due to some delays in visa renewal, I could not make it on time.

A lot has happened since then and I am happy to make it to this year’s re:Invent.

re:Invent is no doubt crazy with thousands of sessions spanning multiple venues - obviously, it is not possible to be present for all.

However, if you do plan to drop by for the Dev Chat or for Taco Tuesday with AWS Heroes, would love to talk to you!

Have a good re:Invent and see you then!

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


DevOps Diaries: When Terminator terminates your MySQL imports onto an AWS Instance…
··627 words·3 mins
DevOps Aws
I have begun to use Terminator quite a lot. Terminator’s quite handy when you want to connect to multiple servers on a single terminal thanks to its split pane feature. (And yes I know about tmux & screen - I have screen on my servers, don’t want to get into the headache that is nested screen panes). Few days back we were preparing for a big migration & deploy and I was tasked upon to prepare a failover just in case the migration goes wrong.