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Sathyajith Bhat

Sathyajith Bhat

Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


[How-To]Mounting LVM partitions from a command prompt or a Root Shell
··404 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Commands Linux
Today as I booted into my openSUSE box, for reasons unknown to me, my LVM partitions failed to mount. fsck didn’t help, and and LVM based container system meant that I couldn’t use the standard mount /dev/sdxx style of mounting as well. With my /home and / configured as a LVM, the root (/) partition was active, but the /home partition was not being mounted, as a result, X and KDM wouldn’t start, giving a console login.
File Associations:Changing/Removing/Adding default applications for particular filetypes in openSUSE 11 & KDE 4.1
··297 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux
Consider this situation. You have multiple programs installed for a particular file type. Now double clicking it opens an application, but you want it to open in another application. For example, you want your images to open in showFoto instead of Gwenview, so how do you go about doing this? Let me show you how to do so! First, launch KDE settings, by clicking on the K menu and then Configure Desktop.
[How-To] Fix Nautilus File Manager Title Bar(Window Decorator) disappearing when Emerald is enabled
··184 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Linux Nautilus
Most of the how-to’s and fixes posted here, are generally my experiences and I post them on how I went about fixing it. This particular how-to was mentioned to me by my very good friend, Bharath, who had this annoying problem of the title bars of every window crashing and disappearing when Emerald is chosen as the decorator. Generally, I’d recommend running gtk-window-decorator --replace or metacity --replace in terminal - that generally does reinitialize the window decorators.
My First Ubiquity Command: Lincr It!
··220 words·2 mins
General Open Source Ubiquity
By now, you must’ve heard of Ubiquity. If not, well read on! Ubiquity is an add-on to Mozilla’s extremely popular Firefox browser. Ubiquity allows you to do things - say search for something, get the latest weather updates, book reviews, so on and so forth, just by typing the commands into the Ubiquity input box - rather than by going over to address bar, typing the URL for each individual site, etc.
A Handy Wallpaper Displaying Most Common Linux Commands
··27 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Commands Linux
In the past I’ve done couple of posts explaining few of the common commands. A handy one-glance reference guide is always nice, and found this on Reddit.
How To: Access ext2/ext3 Formatted Linux Partitions in Windows
··215 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Filesystem Linux
Unlike Linux which can mount and access Windows’ FAT, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS filesystems, Windows is incapable of even acknowledging and detecting a Linux filesystem. Fear not, here are 3 softwares which can help in detecting your Linux partition under Windows Ext2fsd- The most capable software of the lot. Has read/write support to your Linux partition. The 0.45 version supports replay of journal of a ext3 filesystem in case of a unclean shutdown of your Linux partition.
Enabling And Disabling Root Account in Debian/Ubuntu
··248 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Debian Linux Tutorials
Debian and other debian-based distros like Ubuntu have, by default, has the root account disabled as a security measure.(thanks to Subbu and PICCORO for the clarification) To re-enable the root account, just open the command prompt, and type sudo passwd root You’ll get the following set of messages: sathya@sathya-laptop:~$ sudo passwd root<br /> Enter new UNIX password:<br /> Retype new UNIX password:<br /> passwd: password updated successfully<br /> sathya@sathya-laptop:~$ To disable root access, just type
Mounting .iso and .mds/mdf Files in Linux
··316 words·2 mins
News Commands Ubuntu
There are lots of times where you’d want to mount a CD/DVD image. Say your friend who uses his Windows box has given you a .iso file or a .mds/mdf file, created using Alcohol 120%. How would you mount them in Linux? Using the Terminal and making use of the loop device,there is no need for any external software tools and utlities. Here’s the steps: Open the Terminal/Console. Switch to root user(mounting more often than not requires root privileges, we’ll have a look as to how make media user-mountable later) by typing su root *buntu users and others distros in which the root account is disabled, can skip this step.
A Look At Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
··613 words·3 mins
Reviews Linux Ubuntu
Ubuntu Gutsy has been receiving a huge amount of hype and fan fare recently, and I’ve been following Gutsy closely, from Ubuntu Fridge’s 10 Rocking Features in 10 Days to fellow bloggers and Linux users posts on Gutsy. Naturally after their Feisty launch, expectations were high(from my side). Now I’m not Ubuntu’s biggest fan(I’m a SuSE fellow, Novell haters, meh!), but I appreciate what Ubuntu has been doing for newbie Linux users in general.
My Laptop Chronicles: Installing openSUSE 10.3 on my Dell Inspiron 1520
··548 words·3 mins
General Linux
When I got my Dell Inspiron, the first thing that I wanted to do was install openSUSE 10.3 on it. After all openSUSE has been serving me well all these years! Because of time restrictions and office workload being too much, I couln’t do it. So when the weekend arrived, I decided to install it! Since I dont have an Internet connection, downloading it was out of the question, so I had grabbed a copy of last month’s Digit magazine which had a Bootable openSUSE10.