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Five tips for a more efficient Linux desktop | Five Tips |
··130 words·1 min
Linked Commands Cover Find Linux Open Source Tips Tips-and-Howto's Tutorials
1: The pager I am always shocked at how few people actually use the Linux pager. It’s been around forever and has always served the same functionality — it offers the user multiple desktops to keep the desktop better organized. I employ the pager like this: With four workspaces, I dedicate each workspace to a different use. My layout looks like this: Desktop 1 is for networking tools. Desktop 2 is for writing/office tools.


My First Ubiquity Command: Lincr It!
··220 words·2 mins
General Open Source Ubiquity
By now, you must’ve heard of Ubiquity. If not, well read on! Ubiquity is an add-on to Mozilla’s extremely popular Firefox browser. Ubiquity allows you to do things - say search for something, get the latest weather updates, book reviews, so on and so forth, just by typing the commands into the Ubiquity input box - rather than by going over to address bar, typing the URL for each individual site, etc.