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Remove all files but one with rm
··94 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Terminal Tips-and-Howto's Tutorials
Is there any way to remove all of the files in a directory except for one with a certain filename? For instance, if I had a directory containing the files file1, file2, and dontdelete. Would there be any way to quickly delete file1, and file2 and not dontdelete? I know that I could just do rm file1 file2 but that wouldn’t work for a bunch of files. Also, I’m on Mac OS X if that makes a difference


Writing an iso file to a CD-R/DVD-R from Linux Terminal
··126 words·1 min
News Commands Terminal Linux
Ever wondered if there’s a quick and easy way to write an iso file to a CD-R/DVD-R ? Don’t want to open K3B or Brasero ? Here’s a handy way of writing the iso file. First, switch to root using su su Next, type cdrecord -scanbus You’ll get something like this: scsibus0:<br /> 0,0,0 0) 'TSSTcorp' 'DVD+-RW TS-L632H' 'D200' Removable CD-ROM<br /> 0,1,0 1) * Note the first 3 numbers corresponding to your CD/DVD writer.
Get Kannada Language displayed properly in Gentoo and Sabayon
··96 words·1 min
News Indic Linux Terminal Tutorials
Well I was browsing through some Kannada sites the other day and all I got was big blocks. Turned out that Gentoo and Sabayon didn’t have support for displaying Kannada characters, though, I had no such problems with Hindi & Bengali characters [amongst others]. Changing the Character encoding in Firefox to Auto-detect or Unicode didn’t work either. After doing a bit of searching, found the solution. So open the terminal, switch to root user and type


Create a Fedora Bootable USB Pen/Flash Drive Easily using liveusb-creator
··267 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Linux Terminal
LiveCDs are a great way to try out (new) Linux distros on your system. Unfortunately CDs get scratched pretty easily, and can turn into a coaster pretty soon. With prices of USB pen drives at rock bottom, they’re probably the best way to try out LiveCDs. Generally its not that easy to make a bootable LiveCD using USB pen/flash drives. If you’re a Fedora lover then here’s a very easy way to create a bootable USB pen drive.