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File Associations:Changing/Removing/Adding default applications for particular filetypes in openSUSE 11 & KDE 4.1

··297 words·2 mins·
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux

Consider this situation. You have multiple programs installed for a particular file type. Now double clicking it opens an application, but you want it to open in another application.

For example, you want your images to open in showFoto instead of Gwenview, so how do you go about doing this? Let me show you how to do so!

First, launch KDE settings, by clicking on the K menu and then Configure Desktop.


This will bring up the System Settings application.


Alternatively, you can also bring up this application by pressing Alt + F2 and typing systemsettings in the Run box, or by launching the terminal and typing systemsettings.

Now Click on Advanced settings tabs, and then click on File Associations. The File associations applet will open


In the search box, type the extension of the file, whose association you want to change. You will be presented with a list of applications which will open the particular type of file. Now click on the name of your desired application, and make sure that it is in top of the list, by pressing the move up button.

Taking the example of the picture above, if I want showFoto to open for png files, then I just have to click on showFoto, and press Move up till it reaches top of the list.

If you want to remove file association for a particular type, just click on the Remove button.

And similarly, if you want to add a file association for a particular extension, Just click on Add button next to filename patterns, type the extension. To associate a particular application, click on the extension, click on the Add button, and just type the name of the application you want to associate with or choose the application from the list

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


[How-To] Fix Nautilus File Manager Title Bar(Window Decorator) disappearing when Emerald is enabled
··184 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Linux Nautilus
Most of the how-to’s and fixes posted here, are generally my experiences and I post them on how I went about fixing it. This particular how-to was mentioned to me by my very good friend, Bharath, who had this annoying problem of the title bars of every window crashing and disappearing when Emerald is chosen as the decorator. Generally, I’d recommend running gtk-window-decorator --replace or metacity --replace in terminal - that generally does reinitialize the window decorators.
A Handy Wallpaper Displaying Most Common Linux Commands
··27 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Commands Linux
In the past I’ve done couple of posts explaining few of the common commands. A handy one-glance reference guide is always nice, and found this on Reddit.
How To: Access ext2/ext3 Formatted Linux Partitions in Windows
··215 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Filesystem Linux
Unlike Linux which can mount and access Windows’ FAT, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS filesystems, Windows is incapable of even acknowledging and detecting a Linux filesystem. Fear not, here are 3 softwares which can help in detecting your Linux partition under Windows Ext2fsd- The most capable software of the lot. Has read/write support to your Linux partition. The 0.45 version supports replay of journal of a ext3 filesystem in case of a unclean shutdown of your Linux partition.