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Saving Gmail Attachments in Android

··229 words·2 mins·
Android Applications

I have no idea why, but for some reason the Gmail app on Android doesn’t allow you to save files. How stupid is that? Recently, I needed to send a document from my Google Apps account to my work account.

The e-mail filter at my work place mail servers can be a little overzealous and would silently discard incoming mail with attachments coming from outside sources. So I had to

  • Attach the document from my laptop and send it to my Google apps account
  • Check the mail & download the document to my phone
  • Reattach & send the document from my phone(under my work email account)

Imagine my surprise when I couldn’t find the option to save the attachment. As a workaround, I had to open the browser, load my Google Apps page, switch to basic HTML view & then proceed to save it. Yeesh. What a pain.  Below tip works well.

How To Save Gmail Attachments in Android | Pallab dot Net. Save my Attach […] a tiny app that requires zero-configuration, and works beautifully. After you have installed this app, just tap the preview button as usual. A dialogue box will pop up asking you to choose an app to preview the file with. Select Save my Attach from the list, and you will be able to download the attachment.

Android Market Link to Save My Attach

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


find command examples
··518 words·3 mins
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux Ubuntu
I’ve used find extensively and always wanted to writeup a nice post on this, but the linked post trumps my effort! Copy pasted from his blog, as the person’s allowed to do so. Also, as a general note - before using exec with the actual command, do preview it! remove empty directories # # find . -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; change various file attributes # find .
[How to] Search through Bash history
··84 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Linux Bash Applications
Quick tip - if you use the Terminal as much as I do, ever been in a situation where you’ve written a particularly long command, and then want to issue that command again but can’t recall it ? Use the history command, and pipe it to grep to search it! history | grep -i <search-term> This will give you all commands with the search term and the corresponding line number.
HOWTO: Starcraft 2 on Linux with Wine
··207 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Applications Linux
Starcraft 2 [runs] under my Linux install with no issues. Since the game’s official release a few days ago I have been getting a good bit of traffic on those two pages - so I figured I would put together a quick HOWTO for getting Starcraft 2 working on your Linux distro of choice. The game runs under Wine 1.2 and/or CrossoverGames 9.1. Crossover 9.1 Starcraft 2 is listed as “officially support” and as such you will find that it has an entry in the automated games installer.