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Wakoopa officially shutdown – grab your data now

··232 words·2 mins·
General Linux

About 2 weeks ago, Wakoopa announced that they will be shutting down their social network soon & focusing on “Corporate Research”.

Unfortunately that day is here. Just received an email stating that as of today, you can grab an export of your data.

This is what they have to say about the export

The export is a CSV file containing the following columns: application name, subcategory, category, the number of seconds you've used the application in the hour, the hour you've used the application in, the date of the usage, the operating system and your user id.

For instance, say you have a line like this:Skype Messengers & Chat Internet 10 31/05/2012 20:00:00 win 12345

This would mean: the user with ID=12345 used the Windows version Skype (which is an Internet > Messengers & Chat software) for 10 seconds on 31st of May 2012 between 20:00 - 21:00.

Too bad Wakoopa’s no longer going to be around. Wakoopa would be the first software I’d install - even before installing the drivers. There was something analysing the data about what software you use for how long, and which software did I use the most in the background. Now, I’m not really sure what to do with the data. I don’t think Rescue Time supports importing Wakoopa data - it’d be sweet if they did. Maybe see if I can stuff if into ProcrastiTracker?

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Ubuntu Bug #625193 “We can’t fix it because your description didn’t include enough information”
··226 words·2 mins
General Ubuntu Linux
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture speaks for itself. Yes, its fugly. What the heck are those 3 bloody orbs ? “Vish” says “the description didn’t include enough information”. Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. Unfortunately, we cant fix it because your description didnt include enough information. Uh-huh. Riiight. Maybe he didn’t look at the image.
4096-Byte Sector Hard Drives & Linux
··277 words·2 mins
General Linux
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Amarok 2.2.90 Most Irritating Bug #228014: File metadata not displayed If File Is Not Present In Collection
··330 words·2 mins
General Amarok Applications Linux
Well it’s no secret that I’m a music fan and love to keep my music organized, and neatly tagged. ( Well, if you didn’t - now you do ). I’d posted quite sometime ago on how to keep your music well tagged and organized, so there’s pretty much no way that my files wouldn’t be tagged. Of course, there exceptions here and there but majority are tagged. So I was rather surpised today when Amarok , during playback wasn’t showing any metadata.