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Broken KDE Plasma 5.6 on Linux Mint 18
··501 words·3 mins
Opinions KDE
I’ve been a long time KDE user, loved the KDE 4.0 SC when it first arrived and probably one of the most vocal supporters for it when people were hating it. Since my recent job move, I’ve been using Linux desktop full-time. Since Linux Mint 18 was the only distro which supported WiFi/Display/Multi-monitor/HDMI out on my Lenovo E41-80(which comes with Skylake chipset), I stuck to it with the Cinnamon desktop.


[How-To] Enabling Font Anti-Aliasing (aka ClearType) in KDE
··119 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Linux KDE
While going through some of KDE settings I found this simple way to enable Anti Aliasing for Fonts (also known as ClearType in Windows). This will definitely make your fonts more pleasing to look at. For this, just launch KDE settings - this is generally known as Configure Desktop in openSUSE or System Settings in Kubuntu. From there, Under Look & Feel, Click on Appearance. Navigate to Fonts, and under use Anti-Aliasing, choose Enabled from Dropdown box


Krusader – An alternative to Dolphin and Konqueror
··268 words·2 mins
News KDE Krusader
KDE users have for a long time had the jack-of-all-trades, all-singing-all-dancing Konqueror for file management. In KDE 4 we’ll be joined by the new Dolphin which will be the default file manager. If you yearn for a change of file manager now, however, and you’re a fan of the left-right split in your file manager, you might just like Krusader. On first run, Krusader will search your system for tools it can integrate with as you can see here.