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Welcome to re:Invent 2020 and see you in Neon City
··781 words·4 mins
Events Aws ReInvent
November end/December is a fairly exciting time for a lot of AWS enthusiasts - it’s time for re:Invent, AWSs’ annual event which brings in tens of thousands of AWS users, enthusiasts, power users, customers and more. For the AWS Heroes, it’s also the time to get together, talk, mingle, discuss and debate on all things AWS and more. It’s the time where we pack our bags and head off to Las Vegas.


At AWS re:Invent 2019
··226 words·2 mins
Events Aws ReInvent
I’ve always dreamed of being at reInvent and this year, not only do I get to be at re:Invent, I also get a chance to lead a Dev Chat. I’m really excited to be there, to present and more importantly, to meet and interact with other AWS Heroes and re:Invent participants. Last year, I was honoured to being named as one of the Community Heroes and almost made it to re:Invent 2018.