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Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Using Kubernetes Operations

··28 words·1 min·

Presented at AWS Community Day Bangalore 2017. This talk looks at how you can use Kubernetes Operations (aka kops) to bring up a Kubernetes Cluster. Slides at Speakerdeck.

Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Accessing Chef Databag Items from within attributes
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In Chef parlance, databags are global variables saved in JSON format and are stored and accessible on the Chef server. Given that these are indexed and can be searched up along with the fact that they can be encrypted make them ideal candidates to store secrets such as credentials/ssh keys. Chef provides an easy way to search and fetch databag and databag items from within a recipe: For ex to fetch a databag called admins, it’s as easy as:
Of nginx’s mid cut off responses and proxy buffers
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Among the services I look after, the biggest and high-profile - is the user facing website. The website is your bog-standard typical frontend(powered by Express/Angular) which fetches data via an API which is powered by the backend(built on Rails). Typical flow is that Express receives the request from the browser, makes a request to the backend which is then served using Rails API via nginx which acts as the reverse proxy.
Xenserver and adding/attaching a new storage to a VM
··247 words·2 mins
Tips & How-To's Virtualization
I had an instance today where a local VM(which is provisioned by Xenserver) was running low on disk space and wanted to increase the disk space allocated to it. Last time when I did it by increasing the space from within Xen Manager, I failed miserably(the VM was configured with LVM and neither pvscan or lvscan was able to see the increased space). This time I tried a different approach: