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[How To] Removing Transparency In Games without disabling/switching off Compiz

··301 words·2 mins·
Tips & How-To's Linux
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Admin's Note: This solution was emailed to me by Bharath, as he was facing this problem and found a solution to this. If you want to drop a tip or a hack, just send me an email via the contact-me form and I might just publish it
Sometimes when playing native games in Linux they may appear transparent. This may feel good for some people. I felt games should be opaque so that the visibility of the game is more realistic and gameplay experience is better. I searched out Google, Compiz forums and even Ubuntu forums just to return without a proper solution. May be there is one out there in the internet and only its me who did not ponder over it. Switching off compiz-fusion may be one option. But switching off every time you run a game and switch it on after closing the game would be a frustrating job.
Once I searched the options of compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) and tried the following procedure to solve the problem, and this seems to work.

Here’s how to go about in fixing the problem:

  1. Open ccsm (press alt+f2 type "ccsm")
  2. Enter General Options
  3. <li>
      Go the tab named "Opacity Settings" and expand a tree named "Window opacities".
    <p style="text-align: center;">
      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a>
      There will be transparency settings for different GUI components like Menu | Window | Dialog <div>
        Double click it and locate among them an entry called DropDownMenu and remove it. You're done.
      <p style="text-align: center;">
        <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a>
        DropDownMenus may appear opaque but otherwise there shouldn't be any problems. Games will be full opaque now. Please let me know if this solution works for you or if you are having other problems.
Sathyajith Bhat
Sathyajith Bhat
Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


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[How-To] Fix Nautilus File Manager Title Bar(Window Decorator) disappearing when Emerald is enabled
··184 words·1 min
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Most of the how-to’s and fixes posted here, are generally my experiences and I post them on how I went about fixing it. This particular how-to was mentioned to me by my very good friend, Bharath, who had this annoying problem of the title bars of every window crashing and disappearing when Emerald is chosen as the decorator. Generally, I’d recommend running gtk-window-decorator --replace or metacity --replace in terminal - that generally does reinitialize the window decorators.