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Sathyajith Bhat

Sathyajith Bhat

Author, AWS Container Hero and DevOps Specialist.


Notes on moving Amazon Linux AMI to Amazon Linux 2
··435 words·3 mins
DevOps Packer Aws AMI
I picked up a task to migrate our base image from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2. Here’s what I needed to get it to work.
Infrastructure as code and Getting started with AWS CDK
··88 words·1 min
I brief on what infrastructure as code (IaC) is, the options available for IaC and then do a deep dive into the AWS CDK.
Taking on the DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge - GitOps CI/CD with Argo CD and Tekton
··2625 words·13 mins
DevOps Kubernetes Terraform Docker
I attempt to complete the DigitalOcean Kubernetes Challenge and deploy a GitOps CI/CD solution using Tekton and Argo CD
Second Edition of Practical Docker With Python is now available
··414 words·2 mins
General Books Docker
The second edition of my book - Practical Docker with Python is now available.
AWS Fargate instead of Amazon EC2 instances for one-off tasks
··102 words·1 min
This talk looks at why you should be using AWS Fargate for one-off tasks.
Checking for connectivity of ElastiCache Redis instances across peering connections using VPC Reachability Analyzer
··751 words·4 mins
DevOps Aws VPC
The VPC Reachability Analyzer tool is a network diagnostic tool from AWS. In this post I look at how effective the VPC Reachability Analyzer tool to diagnose a network connectivity issue from a VPC peering connection to a private subnet.
How to Remove Subnet Delegations associated with an Azure Virtual Network(VNET) Subnet
··288 words·2 mins
DevOps Azure
Removing Subnet delegations for an Azure VNET that might block deployments.
CDK Day is here
··339 words·2 mins
Computing CDK Cloud Development Kit Programming
The CDK Day is here!
Getting Terraform to apply only when a change exists using Make
··1982 words·10 mins
Tips & How-To's Terraform Linux Bash Make
This post explains Terraform’s exit codes in detail and how you can use them to skip a terraform apply when no changes are needed.
Welcome to re:Invent 2020 and see you in Neon City
··794 words·4 mins
Events Aws ReInvent
November end/December is a fairly exciting time for a lot of AWS enthusiasts - it’s time for re:Invent, AWSs’ annual event which brings in tens of thousands of AWS users, enthusiasts, power users, customers and more. For the AWS Heroes, it’s also the time to get together, talk, mingle, discuss and debate on all things AWS and more. It’s the time where we pack our bags and head off to Las Vegas.