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Bulk tagging all instances in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) using AWS CLI and JMESPath Expressions
··606 words·3 mins
DevOps Tips & How-To's Aws Ec2 Tagging
I dig into AWS CLI a little bit to explain how we can use JMESPath expressions to apply client-side and server-side filtering and bulk tag instances of an Auto Scaling Group.


Migrating Route 53 records from Latency Based Routing to Geolocation routing with zero downtime
··1265 words·6 mins
DevOps Route 53 DNS Aws
I had some fun playing with Route 53’s routing policies.
Notes on moving Amazon Linux AMI to Amazon Linux 2
··435 words·3 mins
DevOps Packer Aws AMI
I picked up a task to migrate our base image from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2. Here’s what I needed to get it to work.


Checking for connectivity of ElastiCache Redis instances across peering connections using VPC Reachability Analyzer
··751 words·4 mins
DevOps Aws VPC
The VPC Reachability Analyzer tool is a network diagnostic tool from AWS. In this post I look at how effective the VPC Reachability Analyzer tool to diagnose a network connectivity issue from a VPC peering connection to a private subnet.


Welcome to re:Invent 2020 and see you in Neon City
··794 words·4 mins
Events Aws ReInvent
November end/December is a fairly exciting time for a lot of AWS enthusiasts - it’s time for re:Invent, AWSs’ annual event which brings in tens of thousands of AWS users, enthusiasts, power users, customers and more. For the AWS Heroes, it’s also the time to get together, talk, mingle, discuss and debate on all things AWS and more. It’s the time where we pack our bags and head off to Las Vegas.
Running Folding@Home on AWS with AWS CDK
··440 words·3 mins
DevOps Aws AWS CDK Folding@Home
Folding@Home(aka FAH) is a distributed computing project. To quote from their website, FAH is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. Folding@Home involves you donating your spare computing power by running a small client on your computer. The client then contacts the Folding@Home Work Assignment server, gets some workunits and runs them, You can choose to have it run when only when your system is idle, or have it run all the time.


At AWS re:Invent 2019
··226 words·2 mins
Events Aws ReInvent
I’ve always dreamed of being at reInvent and this year, not only do I get to be at re:Invent, I also get a chance to lead a Dev Chat. I’m really excited to be there, to present and more importantly, to meet and interact with other AWS Heroes and re:Invent participants. Last year, I was honoured to being named as one of the Community Heroes and almost made it to re:Invent 2018.


DevOps Diaries: When Terminator terminates your MySQL imports onto an AWS Instance…
··627 words·3 mins
DevOps Aws
I have begun to use Terminator quite a lot. Terminator’s quite handy when you want to connect to multiple servers on a single terminal thanks to its split pane feature. (And yes I know about tmux & screen - I have screen on my servers, don’t want to get into the headache that is nested screen panes). Few days back we were preparing for a big migration & deploy and I was tasked upon to prepare a failover just in case the migration goes wrong.