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On Backupify killing their free backup service & online services’ bait and and switch tactics
··329 words·2 mins
Opinions Applications
Long ago when Backupify said they were going to offer their service for free, I knew it was too good to be true and weren’t going to last long. Fast forward today, they mention they’re going to not only kill their free twitter backup service, but also wipe out data of their existing free users. Dear Customer, We are writing to let you know that we are discontinuing the current TweetBackup service.


Chrome says bye to its Wrench icon
··78 words·1 min
I noticed this few days ago on the dev build: case ya'll haven't noticed, the Chrome's wrench icon is no longer there :( — Sathya (@SathyaBhat) August 8, 2012 It’s been replaced with what I can only call.. “Three horizontal lines” which is really weird way of calling it :\ Having the wrench icon was so much better - have referred bringing up the menu quite a few times as “Click on the wrench” on Super User.
Wakoopa officially shutdown – grab your data now
··232 words·2 mins
General Linux
About 2 weeks ago, Wakoopa announced that they will be shutting down their social network soon & focusing on “Corporate Research”. Unfortunately that day is here. Just received an email stating that as of today, you can grab an export of your data. This is what they have to say about the export The export is a CSV file containing the following columns: application name, subcategory, category, the number of seconds you've used the application in the hour, the hour you've used the application in, the date of the usage, the operating system and your user id.
Chrome’s active extension icons in Omnibox annoyance
··372 words·2 mins
General Applications
I’m a huge fan of Chrome & pretty much loved whatever changes Chrome team have done to the browser since it’s inception. This change, however, is probably the first annoying thing that I’ve run into. Few days ago, after the latest dev channel update, all the extension icons on went missing. I initially thought all my extensions got wiped out. However, after heading over to chrome://extensions I realized that the update had a new “Show button” feature next to the extensions list and they had been set to hide all :|
Troubleshooting Oracle’s ORA-01017 errors
··221 words·2 mins
Programming Oracle
Was writing this for Stack Overflow‘s tag wiki on ORA-01017, thought I’ll post it here as well. ORA-01017 is the error code shown my Oracle when a login attempt to the database was not successful. The full text of the error code is: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Cause: An invalid username or password was entered in an attempt to log on to Oracle. The username and password must be the same as was
10 minute bug fixes & web conference bloopers
··528 words·3 mins
Programming Humor
Came across this article via HN and I’m pretty sure most who work for Enterprise companies would’ve come across this at least once. Incredibly detailed post. Boss: Hey Ed, Sue in Detroit says that sometimes, the wrong Invoice Part Number is showing up on the Product History Screen. Can you help us figure this out. Ed: I’m busy with something else at the moment. Put the ticket in my queue.
SSH into your servers from Unity using unity-sshsearch-lens
··120 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Ubuntu
I love Unity, especially the lens feature. While going through the Ubuntu store, found this neat little lens for initiating an SSH connection. The lens parses your ~/.ssh/known_hosts & ~/.ssh/config files and provides you with a list of servers that you can connect to. Just install the lens, logout & login back to your desktop and you're good to go. To search, just bring up Unity dash by hitting the Super (aka Windows) key, type either the username or host and just hit enter to initiate the connection.


Ubuntu Unity Development Does a IAmA on Reddit.
··317 words·2 mins
General Ubuntu
Q: What does Linux need to be if its going to be a real contender to Windows? What are you guys doing about that? A: It needs support from the major players. Personally I think we need to lure: Steam Adobe (all their stuff) Autodesk (all their stuff we don’t have) We also are going to need to increase the buy in from hardware vendors. Nvidia/AMD/Intel all need to care about 2x what they do right now about.
Wallpaper Showing Keyboard Shortcuts And Mouse Tricks For Ubuntu Unity
··59 words·1 min
Tips & How-To's Ubuntu
Going through Ask Ubuntu, found a nice answer on keyboard shortcuts for Ubuntu Unity. Now if that’s too much for you to remember, Octavian Damiean has created this sweet wallpaper with the shortcuts and gestures overlayed on it. Click on the above image for a full size version, or a here’s a SVG version if you prefer the same.
Saving Gmail Attachments in Android
··229 words·2 mins
Android Applications
I have no idea why, but for some reason the Gmail app on Android doesn’t allow you to save files. How stupid is that? Recently, I needed to send a document from my Google Apps account to my work account. The e-mail filter at my work place mail servers can be a little overzealous and would silently discard incoming mail with attachments coming from outside sources. So I had to